Therapeutic Effect of Moringa Oleifera: A Review
Moringaoleifera, a highly valued plant produced globally and utilised in several food compositions, has medical and industrial purposes.This plant is gaining popularitydue to its nutrient-rich leaves, pods, seeds, and flowers. Moringa oleifera, such as a miracle tree, has many health benefits, and it is a rich source of specific essential nutritional componentsand various health benefits.The oil from seeds was extracted and used for skin lotion and perfume. The most widely studied part of the Moringa plant is Moringa leaves and has many benefits related to health in various chronic conditions like liver diseases, hypertension, diabetes, cancer,hypercholesterolemia, insulin resistance, and inflammation.Moringa leaves extract can also be used to treat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and malnutrition, while Moringa seeds can be utilised to enhance water quality. Moringa is a source of nutrition due to various essential phytochemicals, which are present in its leaves, pods, and seeds. It can be used for many nutritional as well as for commercial purposes. Moringa has many nutrientswhich have significant health benefits for the maintenance of the body. The seed powderof Moringa can be used to purify dirty water modestly and rapidly, and it possesses many health benefits.
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