A Review on Nutritional Composition of Phoenix Dactylifera L. And Its Pharmacological Functions
Pharmacological Properties of Phoenix dactylifera L
Ajwa, Therapeutic Effects, Phytochemicals, ProtectionAbstract
Ajwa dates are a soft dry fruit mainly cultivated in Medina al Munawara. It was used to cure different diseases and was also used for protection against evil. The use of date fruit as taught by the Prophet is now being supported by strong scientifice evidence. Ajwa is effective against diabetes, PCOS, various types of cancers, liver, and heart diseases, against different toxicities, fertility, and infertility in both men and women and altering hormonal activities in the brain. This article gives a general description of Ajwa Dates, focusing on their nutrient composition and functions on the human body. Ajwa is considered a dominant fruit with previously unknown functionalities, making it a potential agent in preventing disease. Methodology: Data was collected and plagiarised from 77 articles for this review, and data on the composition and importance of the data is included.
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