Risk Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Disorders
Risk Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Disorders
Cardiovascular Disorders, Risk Factors, Obesity, Diabetes, SmokingAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) constitute the primary cause of mortality worldwide. 32% of all fatalities globally in 2019 were attributed to CVDs, with an estimated 17.9 million deaths. Heart attacks and strokes were the significant cause of 85% of these fatalities. More than 75% of fatalities from CVD occur in low- and middle-income nations. In 2019, non-communicable illnesses accounted for 17 million premature fatalities (deaths under 70 years of age) of which 38% were attributable to CVDs. An increased risk of acquiring high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes can also be attributed to a family history of these disorders. These conditions can also raise an individual's risk of cardiovascular disease. By addressing behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, bad food and obesity, physical inactivity, and problematic alcohol consumption, most cardiovascular illnesses may be averted. Early detection of cardiovascular illness is crucial for the commencement of medication and counseling-based therapy.
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