Explore the Association of Anger with Academic Year Among Nursing Students at Private Nursing Institute Karachi Pakistan
Explore the Association of Anger with Academic Year Among Nursing Students
Emotional Health, Nursing Education, LA Scale, Mental Health, Male genderAbstract
Anger among nursing students can stem from various sources, considering the demanding nature of their education and future profession. Objective: To explore the association of anger with academic year among nursing students at a private nursing institute in Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Horizon School of Nursing and Health Sciences: 128 nursing students were recruited through convenient sampling. Nursing students enrolled in various academic years were included. Results: The study findings revealed that the participants are predominantly male, making up 85.6% of the sample, while females represent 14.4%. Moreover, the findings revealed that the mean anger score is calculated at 28.8366, indicating the average level of anger reported by nursing students. The findings also include p-values, highlighting significant differences in academic years (p = 0.016) but not in gender (p = 0.156) or age groups (p = 0.440). The study found average anger levels among nursing students (28.8366). Academic years showed significant differences in anger (p = 0.016), while gender (p = 0.156) and age (p = 0.440) did not. Conclusions: Tailored support for specific program stages could enhance student well-being.
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