Awareness of Augmentative and Alternative Communication among Final Semester Students of SLP
Augmentative and Alternative Communication among Students of SLP
Communication Aids for Handicapped, Awareness, Speech Language PathologyAbstract
The ability to communicate with words is one of a person's distinguishing characteristics. People who have lost their ability to talk are unable to communicate effectively for whatever reason. The acquisition (AAC) approach was implemented as a viable alternative for assisting these individuals. Objective: To find out awareness of augmentative and alternative communication among final semester students of SLP. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted in seven major institutes of Lahore (University Of Lahore, Riphah International University, King Edward Medical University, School Of Allied Health Sciences, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Punjab University, NUR International University). Final semester students of BS or MS program in SLP were included in the study. The research employed the convenient sampling methodology and standardized questionnaire was used having 26 questions, with responses obtained through an online form and survey. SPSS17 was used to analyze data collected from 50 respondents. Results: Overall awareness was calculated of respondents regarding Augmentative and Alternative communication. Results indicated that 32(65.71%) of final semester students of speech language pathology have adequate knowledge about AAC technology, 10(18.40%) did not significant knowledge about AAC technology while 8(15.89%) totally unfamiliar about AAC technology. Conclusion: After analysis it was concluded that majority of students had awareness of AAC. Most of Lacking was seen in students who did not have good academic exposure and did not practice with patient of AAC.
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