Impact of Essential Fatty Acids Consumption in Combating Neurological Disorders
Essential Fatty Acids & Neurological Disorders
Modernization of society have caused various momentous changes in dietary habits of people in this era of modern world. The modern dietary patterns are typically composed of Fatty acids mainly saturated fatty acids along with refined carbohydrates. This present-day diet together with a lifestyle with reduced physical activity is a major determinant of various metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes. All these factors are also causing a gradual increase in the prevalence of cognitive disorders mainly depressive disorders and mood disorders. Neuroinflammation is the link between the metabolic disorders and cognitive disorders and this correlation is evident by significant clinical and epidemiological data. Fatty acids are of major interest as they have twofold functions. They are major contributors of modern diet causing obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders and on the other hand they serve as signaling molecules in the inflammatory responses. The difference lies in the choice of the fatty acids that are included as a part of daily diet. Saturated fatty acids are the ones should be avoided as they are the components of high caloric obesogenic diets whereas, polyunsaturated including Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids must be consume through daily foods to prevent from Neuroinflammation considered to be the major cause of neuropsychiatric disorders.
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