Physical activity in prevention of cancer and better prognosis


  • Muhammad Sulaiman Yousafzai Yale University, New Haven, CT, US



Cancer is a multifactorial disease with genetic and environmental risk factors. Environmental factors may also be termed as modifiable risk factors and these contribute towards 35% of cancer related mortalities as reported by World Health Organization. Obesity is the leading risk factor in this regard, causing not only deaths due to cancer but also to many other diseases. Among different factors causing obesity, a major contributor is lack of physical activity. In this era of modern technology and digitalization, sedentary mode of life has become a part of life and is mostly unavoidable. At the same time, there is a rise in the incidence of cancer. In the olden times, people used to do all manual work, a lot of walk, exercise and had healthy life style. Such healthy life style may have prevented them from various diseases.

            Physical activity as a therapy on daily basis, is associated with a reduction in incidence of various carcinomas. It may improve overall wellbeing of healthy people as well as diseases persons from various ailments. As it is a common proverb that, “prevention is better than cure”, physical activity serves as a preventive measure for various diseases and also for fitness of normal healthy people. Although it is a known fact, yet planned population studies are required to provide evidence.
Instead of unorganized physical activities, a structured physical activity may help in improvement of condition of cancer patients, prevention of cancer, cancer related deaths as well we quality of life. Healthcare providers should guide the patients in this regard.

            There is lack of awareness among physicians and mostly they don’t refer them to physical therapists. There is also lack of information regarding the implementation of the programs and regimens of physical exercises for different diseases and cancers. Physical therapists may guide the patients in terms of frequency, intensity, duration of exercises which may serve as a betterment of their condition.





DOI: 10.52229/pbmj.v1i2.40
Published: 2018-12-31

How to Cite

Yousafzai, M. S. (2018). Physical activity in prevention of cancer and better prognosis. Pakistan BioMedical Journal, 1(2).



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