To evaluate the effectiveness of brisk walking and stair climbing on cardiopulmonary endurance in university students. Methods: 28 (male=14, female=14) young healthy adults were recruited for this study. VO2max and BMI, baseline measures were taken before the follow up. Participants in stair climbing group were asked to climb 60 stairs (height= 15cm each step) comprises of three flights per bout and a total of 180 stairs per session; three days a week, for a total of 12 training sessions over 4 weeks. In group B participants were asked to walk briskly for least 20 min a day, 3 times a week, for a total of 12 sessions for four weeks. VO2max and BMI measures were taken after the follow up.Results: Out of a sample of 28 participants, In Group A (Stair Climbing) the age of participants was (21.86 ±1.45 years, BMI pre was 21.96±3.31 kg/m2, which decreased to BMI post was 21.93±3.29 kg/m2, VO2 max pre was 42.45±4.57 ( and VO2 max post was increased to 46.07±4.51; mean ± SD). In Group B (Brisk Walking) the age of participants was (22.92±1.85 years, BMI pre was 22.03±2.75 kg/m2, BMI post was 21.53±1.93 kg/m2, VO2 max pre was 42.07±3.52 ( and VO2 max post was increased to 43.84±3.36; mean ± SD). Conclusion: It is concluded from the study that stair climbing can improve cardiopulmonary endurance in young healthy university students as compared to the brisk walking.
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