Analysing the Positive Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Educators in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan: AN Exploratory Research
Analysing The Impact Of Covid-19
Keywords: Educators, Positive impact, Negative impact, Lockdown, Online courses, and businessAbstract
Lockdowns have been implemented worldwide to halt the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, owing to the virus's potential threat and infectious nature. The coronavirus outbreak has wreaked havoc on the world and poses a serious hazard due to the virus's infectious natureObjective:To examine the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on educators (250) teaching at various public and private higher educational institutions in Pakistan during the lockdownMethods:A Google form was used to conduct an online cross-sectional survey. The questionnaire included questions about the following topics: demographic information. demographic details, physical exercise, health consciousness, relationship with family members, social relationship, Information and technology (IT) skills, digital courses, research activities, work from home, time spent on social media, expenditures, and lockdown activities. The sample was collected from 1st January 2021 to 12th May 2021 and 250 responses were recorded from the educators working from homethrough the snowball sampling technique. The data were analyzed through SPSS version 25. Results: The findings revealed an overall reduction in expenditures, preference for healthy and homemade food, adequate intake of supplements, enhancement of professional grooming (E-courses and IT skills), quality time with family, improvement in social relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Conversely, the study also brought to the light negative impact of COVID-19 lockdown, for instance, overindulgence in social media, sedentary lifestyle, hard time-saving money, inadequate training for online classes, increased workload, strict schedule, incessant fear of downsizing, and pay cuts.Conclusions:The study recommends that educatorsengage themselves in yoga, meditation, physical exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Furthermore, they should continue upskilling the professional development through E-courses and technology-based skills.
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