Role of Seed Cycling in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Seed Cycling in PCOS
Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is described as an endocrine disorderliness emerging from hormonal inequality and low form of inflammation. PCOS is a metabolic syndrome which includes complex medical treatments which are expensive and has many side effects. The purpose of review is to extract a literature that proves that diet has significant role in treatment of PCOS. After going through the published literature and initially 150 articles were included, which were after reducing 98 the duplicates, 22 irrelevant diseases were excluded. However, title and abstract 30-full text articles were eligiblewere relevant to topic role of seeds cycling containing omega 3 fatty acids on Pcos.Different review papers which contained data the role of different seeds i.e. flax seeds,sesame seeds,pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds seperately then we came to conclusion that n-3 fatty acids were the main component among these seeds from plant sources which improves hormonal disturbances and insulin resistance in PCOS patients. This review literature is assessed from the precious data from Medline/PubMed, google scholar until November 2020. The present review is aimed to investigate the influence of n-3 fatty acid in balancing hormones, testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin levels.
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