A Comprehensive Review on Therapeutic Properties of Bombax ceiba
Therapeutic Properties of Bombax ceiba
Bombax ceiba, Pharmacological Activities, Health Benefits, Silk Cotton TreeAbstract
Plants have played a significant role in traditional medicine for treating a wide range of human ailments. Among the many medicinal herbs used in Unani medicine, Bombax ceiba Linn. has been employed for centuries. This herbaceous plant is renowned for its impressive height, reaching approximately 150 feet. It can be found in temperate and tropical regions of Australia, Africa, and, Asia with occurrences in India at altitudes of up to 1500 meters. The indigenous communities and forest dwellers extensively utilize various components of this plant, including the root, flower, gum, leaf, prickles, stem bark, fruit, seed, and heartwood, to address diverse diseases. Ethnobotanical research reveals that Bombax ceiba Linn. is effectively employed in the treatment of ailments such as diarrhea, boils, wounds, leprosy, acne, and various other skin conditions. Furthermore, it has been used as an anthelmintic since ancient times. Through scientific investigations, the presence of numerous beneficial properties has been confirmed in different parts of this plant, thus validating its traditional medicinal use. These properties include hypotensive, antioxidant, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiangiogenic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, anticancer, and anti-helicobacter pylori properties
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