Measuring The Burden of Covid-19 In A Tertiary Care Hospital, Swat, Pakistan
Measuring the Burden of Covid-19 In A Tertiary Care Hospital
Covid-19, Epidemiology, Swat, Pakistan, MorbidityAbstract
An unknown pathogen that caused an unknown respiratory disease in humans was discovered in China city of Wuhan, where it was given the name "new coronavirus. “or COVID-19. COVID-19 epidemiology and clinical features in Pakistan is the focus of this study. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the burden of COVID-19 in Swat, which might be helpful in preventing viral transmission in Pakistan. Methods: The current Retrospective study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital in district Swat Pakistan from April 2020 to June 2021. For the study, data were collected from local population who were suspicious or merely for screening reasons they visit to hospital at Swat Teaching Hospital, Swat, Pakistan. To find out the association between age group and COVID -19, a Chi-square test was used with a p-value less than 0.05. Results: A total of 11610 samples were analyzed in this study. The average patient's age was 40 years. Among total, there were 2230 (19%) cases were positive. The gender distributions of Covid-19, females were more affected 1128 (50.60%) than males 1102 (49.40%), but no significant difference in incidence rate. Adults accounted for COVID-19 active cases, 886 (40%) patients in the age range of 21-40 years, 686 (31%) in the age range of 41-60 years, 391 (17.5%), and 155 (7%), 45 (2%), and 40 (1.7%) patients in the age range of 61-80, 11-20, and 80-100 and 1-10 years, respectively. The research comprised a total of 27 older patients who met the locally recognized threshold of being elderly. A total of 40 (1.7%) of the juvenile patients were also infected. Conclusion: In this study patients in the age range of 21-40 years and compared to men females were more likely to be affected.
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