To determine the variation of Q angle in multiparous pregnant females. Study Design: An observational cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of study: 22nd August 2020 to 22nd February 2021 at University of Lahore Gujrat Campus. Patients and Methods: Multiparous pregnant females were included in this study who was not diagnosed with any knee joint complication like any fracture, OA, RA, genu valgum, recurvatum and arthroplasty of knee joint. A semi structured proforma was used that consist of demographic data and Q’angle values. Q’angle was measured by using standard goniometer in standing position, BMI of females were calculated by taking height in cm and weight inkg.
Results:ThevalidvalueofQangleis15⁰-20⁰(normal)and>20⁰(abnormal),317multiparouspregnantfemales were included in this study participants were divided into two age groups 1st (20-30Years),2nd (31-40Years) out of 26.5% having bilateral normal Q angle and 73.5% bilateral abnormal Q angle. By applying chi-square test positive association found between age group of participants with significant p-value<0.001. Association found with bilateral abnormal Q angle value by BMI with significantp-value<0.001. Conclusion: According to this study we concluded that bilateral Q angle was significantly abnormal in multi parous pregnant females. By age group, participants in age group 2 having noteworthy abnormal Q’angle as per BMI, participants in overweight category having abnormal Q’angle value.
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