A Survey to Assess Knowledge of Antenatal Care among Rural Women of Gujrat, Pakistan
Knowledge of Antenatal Care among Rural Women
Introduction:Antenatal care is the daily health management of healthy pregnant women with few symptoms, orderly diagnosis of diseases or difficulties connected to obstetrics, and contributing to lifestyle, pregnancy, antenatal care, and safe delivery of child.
Objective:To assess the knowledgeof antenatal Care among Pregnant women of Rural Population
Material and Methods:The study was conducted at rural areas of Gujrat city for the periodof 6 months, fromJanuary 2021 to June 2021. The data was collected through Questionnaire which was piloted tested and validated by Cronbach. A sample of 100 was taken following inclusion criteria of pregnant women to assess knowledge from rural under developed areas of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Results:A total of 100 participants were included in which common agegroups were 26-32 having 37%. The Profession and literacy status was evaluated and found 73% Housewives and 59% Illiterate. Results also shows the Responses about their knowledge clearly showing that 59% pregnant women do not visit and unaware of number of visits in Maternity Clinics. 40 % of the women were unaware about Blood Pressure maintenance in Antenatal care.52% women did not know about blood and urine tests performed during pregnancy. Pregnant women who was unaware of vaccination during antenatal care was 54% and 59% do not acknowledge about using of Multi vitamins during this period of pregnancy.
Conclusion:In conclusion rural population had little of Antenatal care, maternal issues, nutritional supplements, investigation tests, and vaccinations practices. The primary reason for this was lack of awareness about proper health care services in rural areas. The secondary reason was family/husband restraints and impediments for not seeking antenatal care.
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