Evaluating the Effect of Animal-Based Iron Sources on Iron Deficiency Anemia
Effect of Animal-Based Iron Sources on Iron Deficiency Anemia HOW TO CITE:
Anemia, Iron, Dietary sources, Animal-Based foods, Heme ironAbstract
Iron deficiency anemia is widely spread throughout the world both in developing as well as developed countries irrespective of age and gender. There is a strong relationship between dietary intake and the nutritive status of a body. Maintaining a balanced diet having a standard iron (Fe) level and high bioavailability is challenging. Dietary source of good quality and quantity of iron is red meat from bovine, camel, goat, sheep, poultry, egg, quail, turkey, rabbit, fish, oysters, clams, prawns, shrimps, algae, and mushrooms. In the current study, animal-based iron sources were overviewed. The heme iron present in beef is the highest (1.06–2.63 mg/100 g) than in pork (0.30–0.61 mg/100 g), fish (0.46 mg/100 g), and chicken (0.17–0.49 mg/100 g). However, Iron is abundantly found in meat and poultry's liver, kidney, and heart. The liver contains the highest concentrations of iron, three to four times than meat. Camel meat contains the superabundant amount of iron 45.5 mg 100-1g in contrast to mutton 4.05mg 100-1g, beef 1.8mg 100-1g, and poultry 0.4mg 100-1g. Goat meat contains a large amount of micronutrients mainly Fe and vitamin B12 which can be utilized to prevent and cure iron deficiency anemia in a woman. Moreover, Quail egg exhibited a high amount of micronutrients especially iron and zinc (57.2 µg/g and zinc 30.5 µg/g). Meat bone paste and the raw materials of the meat industry can be utilized to form iron fortified products. Conclusively, iron from animal-based foods can be utilized to prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia for improving human health and lifestyle
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