Evaluation Of Anti-Biofilm Activity Of Bacterial Amylase Against Human Pathogens
Anti-Biofilm Activity of Bacterial Amylase Against Human Pathogens
Global healthcare crisis has a significant impact on human health and economy because of antimicrobial resistance. Emergence of antibiotic resistance due to excessive antibiotic use results in resistant microbes. Biofilm shows integral resistance to antimicrobial agents and the host defense system. Microbes that exist in the biofilms, shows 10-1000 times resistance to antibiotics as compared to the free life style. The biofilms of bacteria serve as a great issue in not only environmental and industrial line but also play an important role in healthcare setting. The biofilm producing bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae and antibiotic resistant bacteria like methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) cause deadly infections. In present study, efficacy of bacterial amylase was tested against biofilm formation of pathogenic microbes. For this, Amylase producing bacterial isolates (isolated from a variety of sources, such as waste, rhizosphere of vegetable soil, rice field, potato, and sugarcane field soils sources (ArPs, ArDs, ArSs, ArVs and ArRs) were utilized to reduce the microbial biofilm development against pathogenic isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Six bacterial isolates (SB, SW, SU, PB, PW, and PU) obtained from cancer patients of tertiary care hospitals. Amylase enzyme extracted from ArPs showed maximum growth inhibitory effect on SW pathogen, while ArRs showed minimum growth effect upon SB pathogens. However, amylase showed highest anti-biofilm activity against SW pathogen. In general, the highest biofilm inhibition was recorded at pH7 at 37°C as compared to rest of pHs and temperatures. The efficacy of bacterial amylase in biofilm inhibition of human pathogens, seem promising and having significant potential in health care systems.
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