Burnout Among Speech Language Pathologists in Work Settings
Burnout Among Speech Language Pathologists
Burnout syndrome, Speech-language pathologists, Comparison, Academic, Clinical, . PracticesAbstract
Speech-language pathologists being the important component of the health care professionals arevulnerable to Burnout syndrome. This generated a necessity to come up with approaches to eradicate this burnout by providing compensations from the organizations and taking care of the well being, job satisfaction of the speech-language pathologists. Objective: To assess the burnout among Speech-language pathologists in clinical and academic setup.Methodology: A cross-sectional study was held in which speech-language pathologists (n= 133) completed an online survey with 15 questions related to Burnout. A self-designed questionnaire was developed with the help of expert opinion and literature review. Measures of ratings included custom-made attitudinal statements towards burnout by Speech-language pathologists.Results: The outcome demonstrates that 46.5% of Speech-language pathologists experience Burnout which suggests that there’s no substantial burnout among Speech-language pathologists in clinical and academic setup.Conclusion(s):Job contentment, pressure, and burnout were found to be attributed to several occupational aspects, comprising components of need, assistance, and reward. No prior surveys have analyzed the interaction between various components of a job, which might increase satisfaction or alleviate tension in SLPs.
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